I m sitting in an internet cafe in Asti. It s 21.15. I got the assignement "night life" in Monferrato. Yesterdaz night I walked around until one in the morning and had a couple of good pics but as zou can imagine here at night it's dead. And probably you can imagine that we got that theme exactly for this reason. I saz we... there is a girl also on that topic. I must admit that it is a bit frustrating cause she access to almost everzwhere with her big smile and probablz i have underestimated the situation a bit. By the fact that she hadn't a very good feed back during the poretfolio review she s totalley motivated... My situation is alwys the same. They tell me I can shoot, that I m NOT enough patient and I feell that i reallz dont know where to go. I see this war photographers, nice guys, hard guys... they have what we call success... but do they live a successfull life? No home, no warmth... just nightmares where the corps they ve seen look at them... they have lived more horror and desperation that their cameras could fix. Is it what I m looking for? Why do I admire them? why does their work appeals so much to me? They say: move, travel, go and see the world... leave the confort and do your job. Stop doing colored magazine. Do what you feel. Stop thinking that the photographers go to crisis zones for winning award ore theyr ego. They the world to know. And they are excellent storztellers. If zou are not nobodz will listen. Hmmmmm... As Stanlez would say with hes american accent: voilà (ooalaa) food for thoughts. And what thoughts. Ok now I have to show that I can stay up until seven. I will do a great job. I have an appointement at a night club, I got permission taking pictures inside... you imagine? Permissions I didnt get cause I thought it was impossible.... I got bz walking in last night with my army shoos, my leather jacket, my uncut beard and the camera hanging on my shoulder... in the middle of rich clients and awesome russian beauties I think I was the one to picture in that moment. Haha! So: wish me good luck for this cold and rainz night... and if zou got ideas of topics into night life.... write it in comments down HERE
ReplyDeleteCiao Bel! Mi è scappato il commento di prima.. hehe Allora, che dire? Dacci dentro, scatta come sai fare, non pensare troppa agli altri del corso e take care in the life...hehe.
ReplyDeleteUn abbbbracccio
hez reto,
ReplyDeletei'm back to life, i had my last exam zesterdaz... Now onlz the dissertation is left!!! Fucking hell cant wait to have a few weeks of total relax and fun...
i m planning to go to poland from 2nd to 7th, the airport i m land and take off would be berlin, well if i come - which is still not sure - can we a night out... after the 7th if u r still on the workshop....
Well, let me have a day out, completely relaxing, then ill be back on fnits No Panic and write zou a wiser comment...
take care
Open the barrels, i'll have tons of beer tonight!!!
Z instead of Y is dedicated to you, of course
Sonny Crockett is back!
Salaam Aleykum Reto...
ReplyDeleteNice post. Concerning the professional satisfaction while living next to the war, well... I am still tryin' to get an answer. I mean, a definitive answer... Some good tips could come from the book "Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures: a true story from hell on earth". Some intresting experiences from some colleagues workin' with the "Puffi"...
A presto, take care!
Io sto' rinunciando a fare il chirurgo di guerra. mi sta` passando la voglia.
ReplyDeleteIl fatto di sapere che comunque le cose non cambieranno mai mi fa esplodere di rabbia.
Se devo curare i civili afgani bombardati dalla nato faccio prima a fare il terrorista contro quei ritardati mentali di militari.
Forza Reto l'ispirazione viene camminando!
Anche se il mio inglese zoppica parecchio mi sembra di capire che sei un'pò giù... Caro, quello che ti posso suggerire io è di non pensare al fatto che sarai giudicato, pensa solo al lavoro che devi fare!, hai la fortuna di avrere la fotografia nel sangue e quella continuerà a scorrerti anche dopo questa esperienza indipendentemente dai giudizi....
uela veci!
ReplyDeletenon centra un cazzo ma andate a vedere il sito
ed eventualmente firmate la petizione. il tutto si riallaccia ad un post di qualche tempo fa. immaginate voi quale..
ciao reto mi raccomando spacca il culo :-)
see ya
Salut Reto,
ReplyDeletej'ai l'impression de bien te retrouver, avec cette tension entre le désir de faire, et cette impression qu'il en faut toujours plus. A te lire, à lire tout le blog, j'ai parfois l'impression que tu fais justement toujours plus, toujours plus loin, progressivement. Mais qu'il n'y a pas de moment de Climax qui serait comme une grosse prise de conscience.
Enfin, je me permets de le dire, parce que j'ai ces impressions là ("c'est lâche de rester là", "c'est idiot, vu mes capacités (crise d'ego) de ne pas viser plus haut", etc.). Néanmoins, les choses avancent, si elles te mènent à la guerre, tu n'en sais rien. Mais elles mènent quelque part, et personnellement, j'essaie juste de faire en sorte qu'elles aillent vers plus de plaisir et plus de qualité de fiéreté.
Allez, je me réjouis de voir les images.
Hey mec,
ReplyDeleteil y a tellement d'autres sujets que la guerre. Partir à la guerre c'est surement se sentir vivre, mais c'est aussi courir au milieu de l'horreur pour ramener des images que des centaines d'autres vont rapporter. Maintenant, je pense que le spectateur moyen est blindé et plus intelligent qu'avant. Il ne veut pas voir les conséquences de la guerre mais le pourquoi. Même à la guerre, il te faut un sujet. Et là tu retombe dans le même problème. Pour construire une histoire (comme on te l'a demandé plusieurs fois) il te faut UN SUJET. Ici ou ailleurs. Pour moi le mieux n'est pas d'aller photographier la guerre, mais d'aller photographier avant un conflit les pourquoi du comment des tensions afin d'expliquer au gens...(peut-être en Iran?). L'une de ces cause de tension ou de mécompréhension est peut-être le sujet que tu cherche.
Bist du ein tessiner
ReplyDeletemmmh...?!!!!! an appointement at a night club????
I'm also afraid about the book pablo recommend you...
Last night you did great pictures to show at these hard men, it isn't?
Berlin (and I), both nervous, are waiting to you.... bacio
HELLO!!!!! I m back at my parents place where I finally took a long sleep... I see your comments and I m impressed... well... thanx so much for your thoughts... I will write a new post as soon as possible... Very quickly some answers.... Each one gets his one language...
ReplyDeleteIgor: "take care in the life" l ha scritto sul libro di ognuno e la sus firma è brutta uguale hehehe... alla fine ho tirato fuori 15 foto che tenevano la rotta per me e per loro... son contento! ma pieno di pensieri...
YK... Io berlino (voce del verbo berlinare) l'8, il 9 viene per 3 giorni un copartecipante del (della?) masterclass, indiano... Tu sei benvenuto quando ti pare. (lo siete tutti). Well about the "z" as you can imagine I was on "time" internet and a kind of egyptian computer so no use making corrections of this so wonderful errors...
Pablo... I will read "living next to Gargamella" even if Aglaia gets preoccupied... Thanx for your tips... and we defenetly should talk. How is it going there? I must read your blog!!!
Elia... I think we shouldnt give up a vision because nothing changes anyway... Th ereasons for giving em up should really be worth it ... E veramente camminare è tutto... ;)
I don't get who´s Anonymous "G"... The "caro" makes me think of Greg but he s really not having problems with english... so: winemaker? photographer? hmmm? Girl? Anyway thanks for your nice words! Desche: maybe this deserves a new post! David et le père de Superman... WOW merci pour vos mots... Juju ce que tu dis est clair... en faits le point n est pas tellement danger ou pas.. et le discour philo-photographique est assez reglé a ce niveau... je suis un peu choque par le fait que la dedition requise pour arriver a travailler a un certain niveau demande des sacrifices... nos photographes parlaient de pas de famille, pas d enfants, pas de poisson rouge, ny d appart fix... et dans le cas du voyageur solitaire sans collegues de travail une solitude rongeante... 7 mois sur 12 sur la route et le reste a editer et voir des editeurs super mechants (voir ostkreutz experience). Tu me dira que on peut TOT faire... ce ce que j ai envie de faire mais voila j ai compris pour VIVRE de fortune magazine, nytimes, newsweek, bin faut pedaler e un autre niveau... esquon a envie? peutetre pas. ET MES AMIS... Stanley Greene et Kadir Van Lohuizen ont crée NOOR une espece de nouvelle agence qui fonctionne sous le titre social de "fondation" de maniere a pouvoir profiter de cet argent publique et prive a disposition en maniere enorme... ils veulent de moins en moins repondre aux attentes inhumaine des magazines et contineur de racconter leurs histoires.... A REFLECHIR a notre echelle!!! fin octobre a la reu de Straz faudra que je chope un avion et qu on joue a cartes decouvertes... Tant qu on a l energie faut qu on FASSE.
e Ali... ti rassicurio io appena t acchiappo... heheheh
it s really nice having people like you in my heart
hope seeing you very soon :)
grande reto!
ReplyDeletebravo bravo, il mio viaggio a berlin è rimandato cmqe prima o poi bisserò alla tua porta.
senti guardando repubblica ho trovato questo
non lo faceva anche tua sorella?
Reeeeetooooooooo! é un po' che non ci sentiamo!
ReplyDeleteSei rimasto intrappolato da gringo?
A presto