My dearest visitors. I'm sorry not giving you any news. As every year this period is without assignments. I have some goals set in my mind. There are answers I'm waiting for. I have dreams. I have visions. I even have some answers but I will nomore tell about until things are beeing done. It seems that beeing too positive on the outside brings bad luck. So...
But wish me all the best, pray for me or do whatever you think could make a difference.
I'm really thinking of shutting the blog down but the number of visits is still surprising, and I don't have a website. I hope that retangolo will become much more interesting very soon... that would mean that I am on an interesting reportage somewhere out there... Pray for me.
(I'm really doing very well... I'm full of positive power and trust! By "praying" I mean "wish me all the best" and it's related to my jesusrockers project... Have Fun too my friends!!!)