We went to B'lin and I probably got my photographs of stonethrowing palestinians (oh yeah). But what a circus! It looks a bit set up for a kind of activist or press tourism. Of course it's important locally to the main actors. Well... let's see the pictures once home. Unfortunately my EOS1 got broken and I had to do the whole thing with my little olympus mju2 . Wich was not that bad because between teargasses or plastic bullets, stones or whatever was flying through the air, it was nice having that small and discrete camera. In the end I was very happy not beeing hurt. A cameraman got shot with those rubber shots precisely on the lense.. well he's not happy. At all.
Today we arrived to Haifa, and we'll finally stay at Aglaia's friends home. They are Israelis and very nice and cool people. We could take a big shower, shave, get our clothes washed... it feels good! Here I have internet connection again. The good news I received via internet is that Simone, the photographer (see last post), is ok. Police got his cameras back and he had full support of the local population and authorities. He lost a bit too much of his blood (as he wrote) but now everything is ok. Wow. The bad news come from Berlin. The gallery in Berlin wrote a mail telling we will not expose anymore in may. That is really hard. I almost had tears and my stomach went bad. Yeah I am that hard ;). And if it was my own it probably wouldn't be that sad, but it's really undeserved for Aglaia. And that's how our brain unfortunately works: one bad news and everything looks gray... What happens to us is nothing compared to what we have heard those days. But still... I cannot do anything against my feelings. And: how comes about this gallery? I hope it's not about Berlin and Israel and Palestina... It's for shure again about vendibility. And that's politics too.
ReplyDeletegrazie per il sostegno
fisicamente vado meglio domano faccio esamini in clinica gerusalemme
in teoria hanno ritrovato tutto il materiale e documenti e lo ritiro domenica
tanta gente mi sostiene e mi aiuta
diciamo che me la sono vista brutta la mattina che mi son svegliato ma piano piano mi riprendo, forse ho perso troppo sangue per i due kili che faccio
stavo andando verso i cpt (dove siamo stati sul tetto) nella via verso il chekpoint mi hanno colpito da dietro penso con un bastone. poi non ricordo nulla.
mi ricordo solo che dicevo qualche cazzata nel letto con attorno i cpt e i caramba...
dicono che sono in quattro che mi hanno segguito e quando cera nessuno in strada mi hanno colpito da dietro sulla testa (6 punti) pugni in faccia sull'occhio, ematoma su tutta la faccia sinistra, calci sulle costele e schiena
mi hanno preso tutto tranne vestiti e cartellino per le emergengenze
la polizia ha lavorato bene e mi ha ritrovato tutto
il governatore ha pagato le spese mediche......
per fortuna la mia ragazza é arrivata proprio quel giorno per sostegno ...
sono per un paio di grioni a ramalla provo a chiamarvi
ciao e grazie