Jerusalem is an incredible place! Walking through reminds me so much about summertime in Venice. A soldier here and then. It's hearing what really goes on tht makes your feelings go up and down (...). The separations between religions is evident, but maybe because we live in berlin it's not so impressive as I expected. Still the old city is really an awesome place and soooo beautiful!!!
Today, first day of the Shabat (my 29th birthday) I have seen THE wall for the first time. I stud there in the heat with my two cameras hanging on my red-burned neck... waiting for something moving me from inside. Again I really had to to think a lot about the theory, and translate, in my imagination, the situation in one closer to mine. I tried to do some pictures, but again nothing was realling happening inside (nor outside) of me. It's hard to me not beeing impressed by thinngs, it somehow makes me sad. On the other hand than little and apparently meaningless situations inflame my senses. Travelling is just an immense pleasure, with or without taking pictures or bringing home a "story"...

The news we get from the West Bank, from Hebron where we will be tomorrow, are a bit different, and we are prepared for stress (no real danger). I'm expecting to face real life situations about the life here. My body wan't uderstand theory, and my brain seems to forget important things. Is that the reason for my need to do photos? To stuck ny nose into situations.
By the way Julien told me to read a book wich I really suggest to all of you, especially tohse trying to make a living out of photography. French title; L'homm
e qui voulait vivre sa vie. By Douglas Kennedy, I'm not through with it by now, but I like it!
Mama mia!! Feliz Compleano hijo de... ha non, heu JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE MON POTE!!!
ReplyDeleteBecs de Jenny et moi
PS: je sais plus si je t'ai dit, mais j'ai donnée ma démission et demain premier job photo indépendant, soirée de soutien d'une société de sport;(
ON THE ROAD AGAIN quel couillon ce Grobet!
belated happy birthday brother........
have a great great year ahead.....
and much much more....