the wall ©reto
Sorry everyone! But I just can't finish the editing of this teddy story! Even my girlfriend was sitting in front of the screen with me, while moskitos kamikazing on, trying to figure out wich pictures are ok and wich shall be trashed. She gave up after burning them down from 99 to 66. Sometimes you shoot for days and got nothing to show. And here the story was so clear that in the end... I don't have a clue! I guess the subject was allready so fun that I somehow forgot to picture it in a funny way.
BUT: we are having a great conversation going on, on academic level, in "comments" about the MAUERPARK post . Really nice! And I do hope seeing some more red points lighting up on the world map here aside... I'm waiting for Chile, for Bamako... for Canada! I can't see if Lausanne is there... but I really hope so! Paris? And please leave comments! By the way... is some photographer (or else) between you going to Perpignan in september? Let's organize for a common ride! Let's share opinions and suggestions about our work! And Igor: we got tickets for the plane back, now... if you show up here in Berlin with your car, you might take some stuff for sleeping on the balcony! Joking, you still are welcome, everyone of you is... and... I almost forgot! The appartement in Berlin is empty (as long as Greg won't come back) (Greg? ...give me a sign!) and if you want to take a holyday in Beerlin during the month of august... tell me! (this one is serious)
ReplyDeleteCekkàti la nummero 9!!
Miami Vice: non dovrei dirlo, ma la Brogeda River Comics sta tentando un'OPA. Probabilmente acquisterà le azioni di Michael Mann (giungendo così al 65%) e a quel punto imporrà al CDA di cambiare il nome in Boffalorino Vice. Cross your fingers. Ovviamente il Detective Crockett del Boffalorino c'è già, mancano una ferrari bianca, un alligatore e un motoscafo, mentre siamo in trattative con un ottimo Tubbs.
ps: spero non ci siano erReto Corrige
Conosco il buon terry e i suoi lavori da una vita, begli indirizzi.
ReplyDeleteMela C Mela V non hanno tradito!
Su Velvet inserto di Repubblica c'è tutta una sezione sugli Scrapbook, oggi è diventato un must e fa trendy. Soprattutto a milano. Ma peter beard spacca davvero!
gughelare per trovarlo perché lo ritroverò dopo. C'è stata un'edizione di Photo Francia un po' di anni fa tutta dedicata a lui, da paura! C'è l'ho ancora nei miei "archivi"...