I spent the whole afternoon fallowing by bike these guys wich once in a while organize a so-called
teddy tour. They don't make a living out of it but they have fun and earn some extra cash. You can send 'em your favorite pet and they will take him on a real tour from sightseeing to sightseeing in Berlin and catch pictures of them, as they were tourists. You might think that it's a stupid thing. We all can live with that. But I really think the reportage will sell on a magazine or another and I hope earning a bit money for paying the bills, the flat and the food. And I spent a great day with funny guys with a cool attitude. Send them your teddy! In the end all teddys have a huge party with beer and bio food! Rock&Roll! (maybe an idea for the Red Cross in Gaza?)
I will publish some pics as soon as they are ready :)
Today spending my time in the center I had some good insprirations for my project on the Wall! It's great not staying in front of the screen all day long.. even if I have a lot to do! Ciao
Yalla Habibi! Rapida visita per salutare il tuo nuovo bloggo.
ReplyDeleteForza e coraggio!
A presto per qualcosa di più intelligente.
yep man, nice reading ur new blog... can't wait for the Teddy Tours reportage, at home we're still stuck to Giusy Tours!!! Please do not forget pictures of the beer party with the teddy bears!!!
ReplyDeletei updated ur link on my blog, now i just have to write something, fucking hell there s too much sun to stay in front of the laptop!!!
take care mate
ta ghet propi resùn, in fondo in fondo scriviamo per noi stessi in quei momenti in cui non c'abbiam altro da fare che batter sulla tastiera e vedere se fa figo sullo schermo.
ReplyDeleteGigaz, ho visto che anche tu hai messo il link del Giuli... Grande!
Good Luck mate, Enjoy Berlin and keep us updated!
Et t'inquiètes pas si j'écris en trois langues, c'est ma malediction.
stavo pensando che contare 5 volte in cui ci siamo parlati al bar è probabilmente arrotondare per eccesso. Amen. La prossima volta ci si sciroppa una birra in silenzio. E alla sera si scrive sui blogs. Potenza della rete...